Skim Bags
PROJECT ID NO. 251R905010
This bid is designated as an electronic bid per CMC 321-24. The bid will NOT be read publicly. No hard copies of bids will be accepted. Bidders must submit bids electronically through the City’s Vendor Self Service website. Bidders must be registered to submit a bid. Bidders can register, find instructions and submit bids at:
UNTIL 12:00 PM on Wednesday, September 18, 2024
at which time said bids will be compiled, reviewed and then later posted at
Bidders may download Bid Documents from the Open Data Cincinnati website and should frequently return to the site to monitor for project-specific updates and addenda.
Questions on this project or any part of the Contract Documents and other project documents must be sent via e-mail to by the established deadline. The deadline for questions is 12:00 PM local time on Wednesday, September 11, 2024.
This project is for the Manufacture of disposable filtration bags for fats, oils, and grease biproducts of a wastewater treatment plant.
If a contract is awarded, it will be done so in accordance with the Contract Documents, including the method of award identified in Section H of the Instructions to Bidders in Section 00 21 13. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive technicalities, or to advertise for new bids, if the best interests of the City will be promoted thereby.
The established SBE Participation Goal for this project is: 0%.
Cincinnati, Ohio. September 6, 2024.
Bid Advertisement
Electronic or sealed proposals will be received at the Hamilton County Purchasing Department, 138 East Court St., (Room 507) Cincinnati, OH 45202, until 11:00AM on October 3, 2024, and will be read at that time for RFP#068-24 –Sheriff Uniforms.
Proposal forms, specifications, etc. may be obtained upon application at the Hamilton County Purchasing Department, or they may be electronically retrieved by accessing the following web site:
Cincinnati, Ohio. September 6, 2024.