March 20, 2025 Bid Advertisements
SEALED BIDS for the furnishing of materials, labor and equipment required for the VILLAGE OF EVENDALE 10385 SPARTAN DRIVE RENOVATIONS PROJECT as per contract and specifications on file with the VILLAGE OF EVENDALE, shall be received by the Chief Fiscal and Accounting Officer, Village of Evendale, Ohio, 10500 Reading Road, Evendale, Ohio, 45241, until 11:00 a.m., local time Thursday, April 3, 2025, when they will be publicly opened and read.
Project shall include the interior/exterior renovations of an existing 10,000 sq. ft. office building, including design build of the Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Systems.
Bid Documents may be obtained by contacting the Service Department, 10500 Reading Road, Evendale, Ohio, 45241, during normal business hours. Questions concerning this advertisement should be directed to James Jeffers, Service Director, (513) 563-4338 or
The VILLAGE OF EVENDALE reserves the right to reject any or all BIDS and to waive informalities in the BIDDING.
Barb Rohs, Village Clerk
Village of Evendale, Ohio
Cincinnati, Ohio. March 14, 2025.
Mar 14-20